I decided that I would take a break from unsuccessfully trying to post more of my India pictures to say a few things about the U.S. elections (especially now that VA and MT are actually decided).
Yay!!! That's my whole initial thought.
I am so extra-glad about Bob Casey beating Santorum (I had thought of about a million insults to use here, but at this point there's no need to call him names *cough "Devil!" cough*) Casey's such a good guy, he'll do great things for PA, and on a more personal note I'm happy for Josh 'cause I know how hard he's been working.
When I interned at the Democratic Foreign Relations Committee last year, the Republican majority had taken away all but four offices, I think. Five if you count that closet that they put the European specialist in. I hope Senator Biden goes in and takes all of their offices and puts them ALL in closets. I know its petty, but that was annoying!
I hope Nancy Pelosi manages not to scare the crap out of the entire midwest. Not sure that's possible.
I hope that the Democrats don't squander this great opportunity that they have. Not only as a policy-making body, but as an example of non-corrupt politicians who actually care about the public that they represent. But in terms of policy -- good lord, balance the budget and fix this mess of land formerly known as the sovereign state of Iraq.
Rumsfeld's resignation could very well be a superficial attempt to convince the Democrats that Bush is willing to work together for the next two years, and I won't be convinced until I actually see substative cooperation from this administration.
Barbara Boxer, as the new chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, has already pledged to have hearings ASAP on global warming and the human impact on climate change!!
The whole world seems happier, at least the people I know here. Even if they don't follow American politics, as soon as you say "Bush's party lost big" they get a huge smile on their face.
Did I mention that Santorum lost!! And yay!!!!
We now return to our regularly-scheduled India pictures. Hopefully. If I can get blogger to work correctly.
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