New Year's Resolutions Assessment:
Overwhelming failure.
I have managed to save a bit more money. I have not been working out, but that should change since the CMU Fitness Challenge starts this week. I have been eating healthier, I suppose, and managed to find some vegetables that don't cost a small fortune. I have been eating in restaurants pretty much every meal, because when I did a bit of math I realized that it is so cheap to eat out here (provided one knows where to go) and the grocery stores are so expensive (especially any Western products) that it actually can be more expensive to cook for yourself.
Blog updating... well I guess we all know how much of a failure that has been. It remains a "February Resolution."
Unexpectedly, without even making it a New Year's Resolution, I found a Catholic mass that I like. Being a Jesuit university, Georgetown has a priest teaching at the school, and he says mass every Sunday after work. Its a small group, and only about a half hour long, but I like it. Also, the Catholic guilt of not going when its that close and that short would really be overwhelming. Perhaps I should retroactively make "Go to church" a resolution so I could feel like I was accomplishing something on that list.
Work has been crazy-busy! I'm so happy that Ryan is here to work with myself and Dave, because we would be drowning if it weren't for him. And the random dance parties really make the office more fun :-)