Friday, July 28, 2006

Driving in Doha

This morning I got my car and actually went driving around the city. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, there were almost zero cars on the road, but still, for my first time learning roundabouts, there were enough cars to keep me on my toes but still accident-free. I went out to where I'm working, down to the corniche to take pictures of the Doha skyline, and just all around really. I need to go out again tomorrow, because I really think the only way to get over my nerves about it is just to do it over and over. The one thing I did do today was run a red light. The yellow lights here are really short, and they give out tickets like crazy for going through reds. Except that they just take pictures and issue the ticket, which outrageously expensive, like QR3000, and then they don't tell you. So you might go to leave the country, and they won't let you get on the plane unless you pay your fine. Isn't that odd?

Anyway, after driving I tried to reward myself with Dunkin' Donuts, but of course the one by my compound was closed. I should have known, almost everything is closed on Friday morning. But I really wanted that donut. By the way, there are more Dunkin' Donuts here than in Pittsburgh. This city really is wonderful.

Side-note for those of you who have been so kind as to offer care packages. You can send them to the CMU campus in Pittsburgh and they'll send them to me. You can't send anything with pork product, religious items, alcohol, tobacco, or porn. (I can't imagine why you would be sending those things anyway, but some of you are kinda strange so I thought I'd put it out there. Although I would appreciate alcohol, alas it is not allowed.) CMU will look in the packages and take anything out that can't be imported to Qatar. I can only get five lbs. of shipment per week, and anything over that cuts into my shipment for the next four weeks. I don't know what any of you would be sending that weighs more than 20 lbs., but that's the max. Anyway, here is the address, thank you in advance!
Caryl Tuma
c/o Qatar Office SMC 1070
5032 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15289


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